Craft Austin has been nominated for the Best Cocktail/Beverage Blog in the Austin Blogger Awards. Please vote for us here (i think):
If that does not work, go here and follow the links to vote:

And you're right; Tipsy Texan is going to beat both of us.
They should have a sub-category for "Beer Blogs That Really Don't Take This Whole 'Blogging' 'Phase' Too Too Serious and Also Have Day Jobs and Families and Drink More Than 'Blog' Most Evenings".
Yeah, that would be a tight race.
Just kidding about the "pathetic" bit. I'd post something similar but I've already posted this week and that's already one more post than I was planning on.
Hey I appreciate your confidence in the powers of Tipsy Texan. I don't think it's a certainty though. For one thing, there are a lot more beer enthusiasts in Austin than there are cocktail enthusiasts. For another, at least you actually update your blog more than twice a year like I do; and unlike me, have a comments section that actually works!
Good luck to us all. And think of how far we've come: last year I don't think there was an award for beer/cocktails. Maybe by next year they'll have both...
Cheers to drinking more than blogging most evenings!
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