Old, yet good news on the Texas brewing front: Rauchbier! Hell yeah, I really love an excellent smoked beer (Sofia is not a fan) and hopefully Southern Star's rendition will hold up to the better smokies out there. Info from
Southern Star:
Name: Rauchbier
Started Production: August 2008
Style: Bamberg Style Rauchbier
Packaging: Draft only (Autumn Seasonal) Release Date Mid-October.
Description: A Lager Brewed with 100% beechwood smoked pils malt (malt smoked in Bamberg, Germany). Pale golden in color, and lightly hopped, this lager is a showcase of the smoked malt, with a great smoked biscuit boquet and a smokey honey taste.
Ingredients: Malt: Wyermann Smoked Malt
Hops: German Tradition
Yeast: Danish Lager
Gravity: 1.060 - 1.010
ABV: 6.5%
While on the topic of smoked beers I might as well throw in this little tidbit. This is
Haandbryggeriet Norwegian Wood. I picked it up in Orlando at Knightly Spirits a few weeks ago. It is one of the bottles I lugged back to TX.

Norwegian Wood is made with smoked juniper berries. The smoke flavor on this beer was restrained, but still noticeable. Almost a spicy smokiness. Very good. Hopefully these and it's Scandinavian cousins will some day make their way to Austin.
And to round out the whole smoked thang - I just picked up my first
Stone Smoked Porter in Austin. If you have not heard yet, it is available in Austin now, along with Ruination and Oaked Arrogant Bastard.