Remember this label? I just got an email from a reliable informant, let's just say his name rhymes with Tank:
. . . new beer that we are rolling out September 1. It is called Santo, and is unique in that it has its' own look and does not fall into the traditional Saint Arnold line up as far as appearance. It is a dark kolsch style beer. It will be available (all at the same time) in 1/2 barrels, 1/6 barrels, and 12 oz bottles (4/6 cases). It will come in at around 4.90% ABV.Can't wait to try it.
Once it hits your lips, it's so good!
I had a chance to speak with someone from Saint Arnold and I was told a few things:
1. after DR 12 the series will be over (it's for the 12 disciples)
2. This (Santo) beer is part of a new series being called "Icon"
Apparently it's pretty good, we shall see what a "dark kolsch" tastes like.
Leslie, I asked Saint Arnold about those two points and they responded with:
1. Wrong. The DR series will live strong after DR12
2. Not correct either. Santo is a stand alone beer.
1. True. Somewhat. I heard they stood for the 12 days of Christmas and after DR 12, they will sell a limited release case of all 12 only during the month of December, in 1212.
2. This is a complete fabrication. I was told "Santo" was an in-house ONLY limited run "memorial" beer brewed and packaged in honor of an unnamed fallen Saint Arnold employee, who's death is shrouded in mystery. Apparently his name was Otnas (yeah, Santo backwards... think about it). This label should never had seen the light of day and I'm told multiple folks got fired when it appeared online.
very interesting hearing two different responses. Not sure why that would happen.
I guess we'll find out soon what the story is, very interested to hear this one.
Yeah, and that third response was pretty interesting, too. Some say it may be the most interesting.
Leslie, either the person you talked to or the person I talked to is lying. If it is your "source" those are not just misunderstandings or mishearings, they are outright Casey-Anthony-style lies . . . Twelve Disciples . . . Icon series. Now if my "source" is the liar (and I really doubt it), he is just trying to keep things hush hush.
Pretty sure that is the entire story.
I'm not afraid to disclose my "sources".
I get my info first hand from the Mayans and Nostradamus.
This is all just a way to throw you off the trail of their new "movable hop" series. Look for my exclusive story on it very soon.
Ah, a smoke screen.
Not buying the "Otnas" story, too convienent to spell "Saint" backwards.
Nor do I believe the firings. These things go through TTB, there's no way to keep secrets -- and why would you want to? SA could just print their own labels for beers intended to remain in-house.
Limited release, probably working on some viral marketing with all the stories. SA's been yanking the consumer's chain for years with the DRs, why stop now?
I agree it looks unique. Thank you for sharing this saint Arnold Santo post and I am looking forward on your next post.
Charles A
I am NOT a big beer drinker but I do like this one a lot. First tried it at a visit to the brewery here in Houston. Now I keep it in my fridge. :-)
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