Monday, June 22, 2009

Better Beer Selection at Austin's Better Restaurants

It seems like no restaurant in Austin can open without migas on the menu. Don't get me wrong, I love texmex as much as any other Austin yuppie. But a man can only eat so many breakfast tacos. It is refreshing to see restaurants like Parkside becoming more popular in Austin.

But there is a problem. Most of these places have delicious, inspired food menus and then offer shite as far as beer goes. Come on. If I am spending good money for good food at least give me something better than Fat Tire to choose from.

I have made my displeasure known. And there is good news from Parkside (from their new sommelier):

Thanks for the note. I have just come on at Parkside as of last week to head up the wine and beverage program and I couldn't agree with you more. In fact, I had just changed the beer headings the day before you sent this out, I’m happy to say. Look in the future for more local options (St. Arnolds, Independence) and more German and Belgian options. It’ll take a bit of time to have it where I’m completely happy with our selection but I would expect that certainly by the end of the summer the wine and beer list will be the most interesting in Austin

1 comment:

Chance said...

Right on! There are WAY too many nice restaurants here with loaded wine lists and only a few measly beef offerings. We are lucky to have so many local breweries and these restaurants should wise up :)