Monday, June 15, 2009


I failed to score any of the three Allagash beer's below. And to answer Paul's question, I have no idea if it is even available. I saw someone post on BeerAdvocate that it was in (or coming in) to Houston, I think. I just assumed it would be in Austin. Wrong, at least at the places I checked (Hyde Park Market, Central Market, HEB, Specs on Airport). Other than that, I got nothing for you.

Check out Beer Town Austin's Ginger Man post in the meantime.


assurbanipaul said...

Last I saw any of these was more than a year ago. Thus my expression of personal violence in obtaining one. ;)

If another batch has arrived in TX, well, who needs a savings account, anyway?

Anonymous said...

Ginger Man's website shows them as having the Curieux, but I was given a crazy look and a "we don't have that" when I asked for one. Very sad.