And I can not wait to
try it from the bottle. And hold on to a few for a few (months at least).
I remember reading a critique of
Thrasher Magazine a while back. The writer was complaining about the overall design of the magazine. But after picking it apart, he came to the conclusion that
Thrasher does not really give a shit about design, it's about the content, the skateboarding. And that is how I try to think about beer. I complain a lot about labels and packaging. Many breweries have a good handle on their design, but I would say the majority have boring to downright gross labels/packaging. But ultimately it comes down to what is in the bottle, the content, the beer. Real Ale has got it goin' on with what's in the bottle, but their lables/packaging have always made my eyes hurt. They are the Thrasher of breweries.
And as you can see by the delicious design of this site, I am just the douchebag to be nitpicking about design.